Tuesday, August 4, 2015


 When raking in the miles, one does strange things to keep entertained.  Personally, I try to take in my surrounds, noticing things that I've past a hundred times but never really seen.  Yesterday morning as I ran past a baseball field, I noticed that it was filled with seagulls.  Here's a glimpse of my inner dialogue:

"Whoa!  Look at all of those seagulls!  That's actually kind of cool looking.  Wait, aren't seagulls the rats of the bird world?  No no, that's pigeons!  But still, seagulls are pretty close.  Wait, should I talk about God's creation like that?  Seems kind of disrespectful.  I mean, they have to have some sort of good purpose, cause God made them.  But what about mosquitos?  Are they good for anything?  I wonder what God originally created them for.  Hmmm... Maybe it's not so much a diss on God's creation, but a proper grieving of the Fall.  Maybe honestly looking at the peskiness of some creatures allow us to truly express the brokenness that sin, mine included, brought into the world.  So maybe it's a healthy balance of both, of seeing God's beauty and also grieving what has been lost.  And more so, maybe it's hoping for what He's promised, waiting in jubilant anticipation for the renewed world where there will be not death, pain, or bug bites.  What a glorious hope!"

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