Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Can I take a moment to brag on my God please?

It amazes me how intricate God’s plan for my life is. It amazes me to think of how every little detail fits together, how different things would be if I had changed just one minor detail. It amazes me how God works in our lives. Three years ago when I signed up for my debate class (which I still don’t know why I took), God knew He would preparing my heart for these coming six months. He knew that I would be terrified of my teacher, and thus work extra hard. He knew that I’d randomly choose to study the Sudan, igniting my heart for Africa. He knew that this would lead me on a search for what I could do to help the Darfur crisis, which would lead to me applying for my youth group Africa trip, which would lead to me going, which would lead to my heart being broken for these people, which would lead to fervent praying and mad shoe collecting, which would lead to a phone call, which would lead to more fervent praying, which would lead to an accepted application, which would lead to more fervent praying, which would lead to some major support raising, which would lead to an amazing response, which would lead to more fervent praying, which would lead to returning to Africa in just a few short days. It amazes me that God had all of this planned out, that He’s had it planned out since long before I was born. It amazes me that He knows exactly how I’m going to spend every day of the six months that I’ve over there, even though I still don’t really have a clue. It amazes me all of the prayers that He’s answered yes to, to having people over there that are excited to have me join them and that I partially know, to having a single woman around my age with me who understands my perspective. It amazes me how God answers prayers that I’ve never spoken, like sending one of my best friends since what seems like birth over to South Africa during the same time I’ll be there (true, we’ll be a good 14 hour drive away from each other, but it’s still a lot closer than if she were here). It amazes me to think of how one little detail could have changed all of that. What would have happened if I had decided not to go to Africa during my senior year, that my sickness was simply too much to travel with? I certainly wouldn’t have the same passion for the people, certainly wouldn’t be willing to give up my comfortable, predictable plan for my life. I would have thought twice about going to Haiti when I got so sick. Yup, my God is amazing! He’s plan is greater than I could ever imagine! And it extends so much further than Africa. I see how He’s given me different experiences to prepare me for future events. It amazes me how He provides for my every need, how He has never called me to something that He hasn’t first equipped me for. Though I by no means feel ready for Africa, I trust that God has prepared me and that He will provide for all of my needs while I am there. He always has. Yup, my God is amazing!

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