Sunday, October 31, 2010


It's been one of those weekends where it's evident that we serve a God who is active in our lives, a God who sees the big picture of our lives and is slowly putting itspuzzle together piece by piece. 
Despite massive amounts of homework and projects that come with being a senior, last night I chose to go to a Halloween party and hang out with some friends, a much needed break after being consumed with classes and work the past few weeks.  It was the exact relaxation that I needed, and at the end of the night one of my friends asked me if I'd be willing to help her with her 3 year old Sunday school class this morning.  Though feeling a bit swamped with all that I already had to do, I agreed. 

When we got to church this morning, I was asked to switch into the baby room.  Secretly, this is one of my favorite age group to work with at church.  There's just something about the innocence of babies.  Because of a recent church expansion (so we're now meeting at 2 different campuses), we ending up having a one to one ratio of babies to adults, which made the morning even better.  I love being able to just focus in on one or two children rather than trying to keep 20 under control.  This also lead to some sweet conversations with the men that I was serving with.  Turns out that one of them works with Intervarsity, so he knows a thing or two about college students.  When I shared with him what I want to do post-graduation, he told me that his wife is a social worker and could give me a better idea of what grad school would look like, what kind of doors and MSW would open up, etc.  This lead to a sweet conversation with his wife, which has left me reeling as to what my next step will be.  It's definitely something that I've been praying for hardcore.  It excites me that God would put people in my life who can help direct me. 

God is good.  All the time.  I have no idea where I'll be this time next year, but he does.  God's got me safely in my hands.  What more could I ask for?

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