Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Nanny lessons

Nothing like working with kids to give you the ultimate object lessons. =)  Here's a few from today:

This morning I ventured into the "jungle"  with the two year old that I watch.  While we were exploring, he tripped and scrapped up his knee ever so slightly.  Though a minor injury, it scared him.  Almost instantly I swept him into my arms and reassured him that he was going to be ok; I had the tools that we needed to fix his injury in my car and would carry him there and fix him.  As I comforted this little one, God tapped on my heart and showed me that this is how He loves as well.  When we're injured by life, He isn't distant.  Instead, He is quick to jump to our  aid, quick to sweep us up in His loving arms and reassure us of His provision and love; He won't abandon us but will carry us through the heartache.

Last night I made the boys pizza for dinner, and the 8 year old complained because he wanted hot dogs or hamburgers instead.  Tonight I let him chose and thus made hamburgers for them, though I had leftover pizza (this kid still stays away from beef =)).  As soon as he saw my plate, the 8 year old began to complain: "Why can't we have pizza?  I want that, not this!"  Wait, you wanted hamburgers an hour ago, wanted hamburgers until you saw that I had something else, saw that I had something that you didn't have.  Again, God used a little child to open my eyes: how often do I do the same thing?  How often am I so blind by wanting what others have that I miss the blessing of what God has given me?  How often do I surrender peace for desire?

Later in the day, the boys were swinging in the backyard when the two year old asked me to sit on the swing, and then proceeded to climb onto my lap. "Swing me, Shernan.  Swing me!"  I wrapped one arm around his body and began to gently swing with him.  While we swung, he inserted the occasionally "wee! this is fun!", but mostly he was just quiet, breathing deeply and slowly, his body as relaxed as can be.  After a while, I realized that he was not holding on at all, not to me or the swing; he was off in his own little world, flying his little toy rocket in one hand with the other resting softly at his side.  It was then that I realized:  he feels completely safe with me.  He trusts that I am going to hold him with just the strength to keep him safe but not too tight that I hurt his little middle.  He trusted that I wasn't going to let him fall, trusted that I wasn't going to let go of him.  Again, God tapped on my heart: "As it is with Me, My child.  You are safe in my arms.  I won't let go.  I won't drop you.  Trust Me."

After dinner, we walked down to a nearby playground where we met a Vietnamese father and daughter.  The pair had only recently moved to the States, and the little girl spoke no English.  Now, the eight year old that I watch knows little fear when it comes to meeting new people, so he naturally went up to her and asked if she wanted to play.  When the little girl was hesitant, her father explained the language barrier (and so the 8 year old tried Spanish instead.  Haha!).  Despite the language barrier, the trio (the 2 year old joined in shortly, following his brother's lead) played beautifully, engaging in games where language wasn't required.  As we walked away, the 8 year old told me how nice of a friend the little girl was, how good of a friend she was.  Precious.

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