Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Calling all warriors

From Amber and Jako, friends in Zambia

Dear friends, family, and cherished prayer warriors - it is time for urgent prayers once again.  We want to ask if you will please keep the newest addition to our orphanage (Ruth) in your prayers.  She came to us last week, weighing only 6.7kg's (14lbs 12 oz) at 1 year and 8 months of age.  While we didn't expect her transition to our orphanage to be an easy one (in less than a month she has dealt with the death of her mom (her father passed away earlier), been diagnosed with HIV, and lived with 3 different families) but we hoped that with some good nutrition (she was living only on plain cornmeal porridge), and loving care from the housemothers that we would see a quick improvement for this very sick, precious, little girl however her health has continued to decline.  Along with her bouts of crying, lack of interest in food, diarrhea, and a general "failure to thrive" she has lost more weight and at only 5.4kg's now (11lbs 14 oz) her health condition is getting more serious every day.  Tomorrow she will be taken to the local village clinic for her HIV review so we are asking for prayers for her, wisdom for the doctors, and grace and strength for the housemothers in caring for her.  Our prayer is that God will grant Ruth favor and mercy and that she will be brought to health and strength in order to know and proclaim the love and care of our heavenly gracious Father.
On a more positive note - remember little Isaac who we asked for prayers for earlier?  Here is a more recent picture of him.  When we got back from South Africa we couldn’t believe it was the same baby! Thanks be to God who truly hears, cares, and answers prayers.
with much gratitude and appreciation for your prayers and intercessions for us and the ministry and thanks to God for his watch care, healing, and provision,
Jako and Amber Joubert
Mission of Love Community Orphanage
Mukamba, Zambia


1 comment:

Anonymous said...
