Saturday, June 9, 2012

In it not of it

This is something that I've been struggling to discern just how to do: how to be in the world not of the world.  It's a topic that I've wrestled with before and, thanks to a great small group conversation, have returned to.

I struggle to feel relevant in the culture that I'm in.  Sadly, I probably know more about what's happening around the world than what's happening right in my own country; I'm clueless when it comes to pop culture or the political spectrum of the US.  Thus, I often struggle to feel relevant with the people that I interact with on a daily basis; I can tell you of the injustices of our world and babble on about psych stuff yet struggle with the small talk of every day.

As strange as it may be, I've never really felt a draw to many of the things that draw in my peers, never felt the pull of the party scene or the latest celebrity gossip or the most recent book/movie craze, rarely felt the pull of the American dream.  Thus, as one who desires to make an impact for Christ not only across the ocean some day but also right here where God has me right now, I struggle with how to connect with people in a culture that I feel so disconnected from.  Do I purposely go out and expose myself to worldly things for the sake of being able to relate to others?

As I wrestled with these things while I drove home last night, God reminded me of His testimony in my life thus far.  He reminded me of the ways that He's already used me in the lives of those that I have next to nothing in common with: the middle school drug dealer, the African AIDS orphan, the middle aged homeless man.  Though I had no relevant small talk to use to begin to build relationship with these individuals, God miraculously intervened to form a connection between us, and through that connection, to show His love, truth, and justice to His precious and beloved children.

It was through this epiphany that I realized the fault of my thinking:  you see, I'm a rules girl.  I like formulas that easily spell out what will happen if I do x.  I like the safety of well thought out and logical plans.  Thankfully, God isn't bound to my cognitive abilities or rules of life; His ways are much greater than mine!  Though there's a powerful witness of speaking into someone's life when you've been there, God isn't bound by sharing His truth in only this manner.  Though it makes for less awkward beginnings (I know these well =)) of relationships with both parties share a lot in common, God can work in us despite our differences.

I don't have to know the life of prostitution to show the woman on the street God's love.  I don't have to be caught up on the latest gossip to share God's truth. And I don't have to experience the injustice of racism and persecution to show the refuge God's justice.  God is much greater than my experience and my abilities.  I need only give up my desire to be in control, and with it my feelings of safety and comfort, and trust that my God can and will work in mysterious ways, in ways greater than I can even dream or imagine.  He's already done so countless times in my own life!  Praise God that He is a faithful God who is so much greater than we ever will be.

Where You lead, LORD, no matter how bizarre or how far outside of my comfort zone it may be, where You lead, I will follow.

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