Sunday, December 3, 2017


My son has reached that age at which he doesn't have time for diaper changes. He's got far too much to do to lay still while I clean him. The other day, he had a particularly poopy diaper. It lay still for a solid 5 seconds, and then the squirming began followed by full body flailing and screaming as he voiced his protest. "Buddy, this would all be over if you just stayed still. By fighting me, you're making it much worse than it needs to be."

As he walked away clothed in a fresh diaper, I was convicted. How often do I do the exact same thing? How often has God called me to be still and wait on Him to clean up my crap, but instead I flail and fight to do it on my own. "My child, be still. By fighting Me, you're making it much worse than it needs to be."

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