Monday, January 5, 2009

Isaiah 26:3

Yesterday was absolutely incredible! I invited a few friends to join me at church and to pray with me and then to join me for lunch as a bit of a "sizobonana" party. I am so incredibly blessed! Because of what happened yesterday while we were praying, I can confidently say that I am ready to serve in South Africa. God filled me with perfect peace. I don't know how to explain it well, but I just have a peace about this whole trip. Last week I was battling doubts left and right, doubts that I can't really do this or that I'm making a huge mistake in going, doubts that I'm abandoning my friends or that they will abandon me. But somehow during that moment of prayer God destroyed these doubts and filled me with His perfect peace. It was like He whispered in my ear, "You see my child, you are so incredibly loved. Listen to the prayers around you. Feel the hands that surround you. You are so loved. And this, My child, this is just a taste of how much I love you. And because I love you, I will protect you and provide for you on this journey that you are about to begin. I will equip you with all of the skills that are required of you. Through My strength you can do this. Keep trusting me, dear child. I will never fail you. I will never abandon you. Together we can take on Africa. And these loved ones that surround you, leave them to my care as well. Don't worry: I'm big enough to protect them. Dear child, feel the love that surrounds you. It isn't a fleeting love, a love that can be killed off with a six month absence. No, precious child, this love is sincere. This is what you will return to in July."
My God is AMAZING! I am overwhelmed at His provision throughout this journey. And to think that this is only the beginning! I can't wait to see how God is going to use me over the next six months. I can't wait to see what He is going to teach me. My God is limitless, which is oh so exciting!

Please continue to pray with me throughout this journey. Please pray:
-For spiritual strength. Pray that I am able to discern God's truth from them devil's lies. Pray that I continue to seek His strength rather than my own.
-For smooth transition as I say my goodbyes and leave the States.
-For health and safety as I travel and while I'm in South Africa.
-That I have a teachable spirit.
-That God prepares the hearts of the children that I'll be working with
-That God raises up mentors to love on these precious children

Praise God:
-For His incredible provision
-For what He's doing in South Africa
-For giving me this opportunity
-For providing so much support
-For His incredible love
-For His protection
-For this passion that He's given me
-For all of the miracles that have gotten me this far
-For wonderful friends and family
-For teaching me Truth
-For being amazing!


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