Monday, January 19, 2009

Thank God for stars and small children

Friday morning, I headed down to Lesotho (country number 5 in the past 8 days) with Steve and Jim, pastors from a church in Michigan, Jeff and Sarah, Mphoo, Mike, and some others. Steve and Jim are partnering with Soweto Vineyard and wanted to see the church in Lesotho that Soweto is supporting. The day was very relaxed. After the drive, we hung out for a few hours until dinner. I enjoyed getting to know a few of the guys from Soweto (and I'm pretty sure Mahlake would like to get to know me better. Tehe. On the drive down, we (the entire car) got on the conversation of what we're looking for in the other sex and apparently I fit his description. Tehe. Throughout the trip, he was extremely friendly; hopefully that's just his culture and character), though honestly much of the time I felt out of place. It seemed like everyone had grouped off, and I was left on my own. The pastor introduced me to a little girl who was helping prepard dinner, and we chatted a bit, but even that felt somewhat awkward and forced. After dinner, we had a church service in the pastor's house. Again, I felt somewhat out of place and uncertain of what was expected of me. Doubts began to invade my mind. I felt that I wasn't needed here (both in Lesotho and in Africa), that once again I was simply tagging along. It was really discouraging. At the end of the service, we prayed for some of the church members. I stayed put until they began praying over the children. Ah, this is something that I could do. Though small, God reminded me that He was still using me. I could tell by the smiles on the children's faces that this small act mattered. After the service, we headed out to our various host homes. As we walked outside, everything was pitch black. We were out in the country, so it wasn't really developed (there was barely a street, so one didn't expect street lights). Just as the darkness began to overwhelm me, I looked up to see thousands and thousands of stars. It was so beautiful! It was as if God tapped me on the shoulder and said, my child, I haven't left you. I'm still here. Look at the beauty that I've surrounded you with. And Lesotho was beautiful. Grassy mountains were in every direction. Despite its unfamiliarness, it was peaceful. Just as I was leaving, the little girl who I had talked with early ran up to me to say goodbye. She hugged me and told me that she'd miss me. Yes, even this small act mattered. Even when I felt so completely inadequate, God used me. Praise the Lord!
The next morning, as we waited for our ride, many of the guys from Soweto tried horseback riding for the first time. It was rather entertaining. Tehe.
Please pray that God continues to work in this beautiful place. Pray that they people here become ignited for him. Pray that these precious children grow in His love. And please continue to pray for me. Pray that this spirit of fear is removed. Pray that I become confident in God who works within me, who is able to do more than I could ever day to ask or even dream of, infidently beyond my highest prayers, thoughts, or hopes. Pray that I bring glory to God in all that I do. And please pray that I learn to be more outgoing here. Pray that I take initiative rather than waiting for others to come to me.


Anonymous said...

And you know what else is amazing? That God continues to use you here through people reading the things that you write, which are such an encouragement and an extraordinary testimony to how inconceivably incredible our God is. I love you, Sharon!

Anonymous said...

What wonderful pictures and a great sum up of what's going on...I feel like I'm there with you. You are amazing and Satan knows that and wants you to feel out of place, so in Jesus name, Satan I command you to get away from Sharon and take your stupid little minions with you. Lord, protect Sharon's mind as well as her body and continue to use her and bless her. Love, Shiffra

Anonymous said...

wow sharon. God is using you even when you dont think he is. that is so amazing. i pray that God shows you how he is using you and to remind you like he did with the stars, of how much he loves you and that he will never EVER leave you.
i wish i was there with you friend.
i love you :)
<3 laura