Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I'd like to ask you to take a moment to pray for Laura.

While I was in SA, Laura became a dear friend. I honestly don't know how I would have survived without her! She is truly a blessing from God! I miss her terribly.

Though my time in SA is done (for now), Laura's isn't. She'll remain in SA until October. Please pray for her. Pray for her as she transitions to a new house and to being the only Voxer on the ground. Pray that God leads and guides her through the remainder of her time. Pray for strength, health, and safety. Pray that God gives her a servant's heart and a teachable spirit. Pray that He overwhelms her with His love. Pray that He provides all that she needs- financially, physically, spiritually, emotionally, socially. Pray for grace and patience. Pray for contentment. Pray that God opens her eyes to the opportunities that surround her.

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