Friday, July 3, 2009

It's not the end

My last few days in SA were hard.

After church on Sunday, Laura, Jerome, and I enjoyed a lazy afternoon before heading over to the Klaasens to watch the Confederations Cup final. Monday was also fairly low key- just hanging out at the Klaasens the whole day. Once again, Nikki surprised me. She had kept me out of the classes because she had the kids making cards for me. Monday afternoon she gave me all of the cards in a book. I couldn't have asked for a better gift! It was so touching. And so encouraging. To think that the same kids who had never spoken a word of English just a few months ago now tried to write full paragraphs. And to think that I had a part in not just their education, but in the growth of their confidence. Wow! God is so good!

Tuesday: my last day in SA. Tuesday morning Reagan and Nikki took the Cynergy team to the Apartheid Museum. It was an incredible experience! Throughout the museum, Nikki shared her grandparents, parents, and her own experiences with me throughout the Apartheid years. Her stories amaze me! I have even more respect for her and Reagan. After the museum, we headed back to the Klaasen house for a few hours before heading to the airport. For my last lunch in SA, Reagan bought me a Special- a sandwhich with chips (fries), bologna, and pickles on it. It was... interesting. Tehe. After picking up Kaylin, we headed to the airport. After dinner at Mugg and Bean, it was time to say goodbye. I hate goodbyes! Leaving was harder than words can say! It took me at least a half an hour to say goodbye to everyone. Tears were in abundance. Finally, I torn myself away.

My journey back to the States was long. I got through security fine. However, my flight from Joburg to Atlanta was delayed, so I missed my first connecting flight. Thus, I got rerouted through DC. My flight from DC didn't leave until 7pm. When we finally boarded, we were told that we had to sit on the runway for an hour because of severe weather. Finally, after over 30 hours of traveling, I was home.

It's weird being in Holland again. Everything is different- even the amount of water in the toliets. Tehe. It's hard being so far away from my SA family and all of my kiddos. But I know that this isn't the end of my journey in SA or with Cynergy. I know that I'll return to my family and to my kiddos. As of now, I'm planning a trip to SA next May with my university. My hope is that, of the ten students on the team, two of them will fall in love with the country and people of SA like I have. We're working on some other programs Cynergy related as well.

Praise the LORD:
~For keeping me safe as I traveled, for getting me and all of my luggage home.
~For my SA family
~For my kiddos
~For using me
~For opportunity
~For hope
~For abundant love
~For impact
~For growth
~For purpose
~For vision
~For a bed to sleep in
~For food to eat
~For sunshine
~For South Africa
~For second chances
~For puppies
~For humor
~For freedom

Please pray:
~As I continue to transition to life stateside again
~For prosparity in the Cynergy program
~That God will provide abundantly for the Klaasen family, Laura, and Jerome
~For safety for Jerome as he leaves for Mozembique on Sunday
~For wisdom and comfort for Laura as she'll soon be the only one on the ground
~For wisdom and guidance in the future
~That He opens doors for me to return to SA
~That I have a servent's heart

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Welcome home, Sharon!