Friday, November 12, 2010

Stained Glass Masquerade

Somehow at Bible study last night, we got on the topic of religiousity in America.  Isn't it interesting that the Bible teaches that we are a broken and depraved people yet our church culture often teaches us to act as if our lives our perfect?  Does this mean that our churches are teaching us something that is unbiblical?  How did masking our imperfections become such a part of our churches and Christian community?  What are its roots?  How is it affecting our understanding of the Bible, of God, and of His people?

Part 2
After talking to Nathan about this, he informed me that throughout history, all of the nations surrounding Israel recorded only their successes in history.  Israel, on the other hand, recorded both successes and failures to show the strength of God.  Which of these does our church better resemble today?

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