Sunday, October 16, 2011

Passing along a prayer request

From Jako and Amber, one of the couples that I stayed with in Zambia last summer.  Please join me in praying for this precious little one!

This Sunday we received our newest addition into the orphanage- a one month old baby that was born to a 19 year old mother who got pregnant while going to school.  While she was pregnant she ended up getting an infection and gave birth a month early, only to die a few weeks later.  When we received the baby the mother had passed away 3 days earlier and the baby had survived until then on a bit of goats milk.  While he was obviously small and very thin (2.5kgs/5.7 lbs) we didn't think he looked too bad and figured that his health should improve pretty quickly with access to formula and good care from the mothers. 
However, that never happened and despite frequent feedings where he drank well, his little body did not seem to improve and the slight cough turned a bit worse.  He even looked like he was loosing weight but we took him to the clinic on Thursday where he was prescribed some medicine and we hoped that that would do the trick.
This morning however we were woken up very early by the mothers saying that Isaac was very sick and that he had been up the whole night vomiting, with diarrhea, and was too weak to drink.  As soon as we heard this we made quick plans for Alyssa and Gretchen to get him to the nearest "good" hospital, a 3 hour drive away, all the while praying that he would at least make it there.  Upon arrival he was admitted almost immediately, given an IV, and they say that he will be there until at least Monday. 
PLEASE PRAY FOR THIS LITTLE BOY WHO IS FIGHTING FOR HIS LIFE.  When we received him and before the family left, we publicly dedicated the child to God and broke any bonds or dedications that might have been made for him at birth and so we are asking for immediate prayers for healing for Isaac in a way that would bring God glory and honor and show those around, in this community, and further - once again, the power, love and grace of God our Father. 
Thank you for taking a moment to life this little life up in prayer, to the care of the best Father there is, and for asking for wisdom for us, the mothers, and the doctors in how best to provide for his needs. 
The pictures below are one of Isaac taken Wednesday afternoon and the other as he was admitted into the hospital around noon today (Friday).
With much appreciation and gratitude,
Amber, Jako and Jakob John Joubert
Mission of Love Community Orphanage
Mukamba, Zambia
“Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you.”

Jeremiah 29:12

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