Monday, October 29, 2012

Swift 13.1

So, sometimes I get accused of being stubborn because, well, I can be.  =)  And last week Sunday was no exception.  After being sick for over a month and still fighting bronchitis, I decided to take on my first half marathon with one of my favorite roommates.  Seems like a good plan, right?  ;-)

Speaking of good plans, God's plans are pretty awesome!  I was amazed by His perfect provision during the race.  First, I had some awesome support at the start.  And, like I said, I got to run it with my favorite Smelly.  I was surprisingly well (thanks in part to a face mask that kept me from breathing in cold air) until about mile 7.  Then things started to go downhill (and I'm not talking about the course)

For one, I'd started to get hungry.  Of all the things to forget, I didn't pocket my GU for the race.  No worries; there was a GU station in a mile.  Except somehow Amy and I managed to miss it.

Mile 8 is where we started to hit hills, too. If you're a runner, you understand.  =)  And my lovely lung decided to start hurting. Knowing that I needed to slow down if I was going to finish, I told Smelly to go on ahead of me; she'd trained too hard to be slowed down.  She ran about 10 feet in front of me, stopped, turned around, and told me: "No.  We finish together!"  Music to my ears.  =)  And encouragement to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

By mile 9, I was really hurting. And my stomach was loudly assuring me of my hunger.  Giving up my stubbornness, I asked one of the medics if he had any GU in his bag.  He didn't.  BUT one of the runners running next to me at the time told me she had some chews that I could have if I wanted.

Sidenote: here's something that I love about runners and running  When you run, you aren't run against other people.  You run against yourself, run against your limitations, run against your doubts.  And running is like a cult in which only other runners truly understand your ambition.  And thus you bond in some sort of strange community.  You run not for personal gain but to help those along the way.  Despite our own endeavors, we were constantly cheering each other on, encouraging one another that we could accomplish a feat many don't even attempt.  Yeah, there's just something about runners...

But I digress.  So, mile 9 one of my runner friends gave me some much needed fuel.  More so, she empowered me with some much needed encouragement to keep going.

By mile 10, though, I started to feel discouraged again.  As I slowly made my way up a hill, I heard my name being called.  Confused as to who would know me by name out here, I looked up to see three of my biggest fans.  =)  Yup, my brother, sister, and nephew were there cheering me on.  Exactly the encouragement that I needed.  =)

Mile 11, 12, and 13 passed slowly as I tried to breath.  Amy stayed at my side every step of the way, encouraging me when I started to doubt, giving me the push that I needed.  Even offering a high five as we passed each mile marker.

And soon enough, the end was in sight!  We'd done it!  We'd completed our first half marathon!  

Praise God for His perfect provision!  Praise Him that He cares about the little details, cares even about encouraging us in a silly race.  Praise Him that He stands by us even when we're being ridiculously stubborn. Praise Him for placing us in communities that push us toward Him, pick us up when we fall, and lead us when we loose our way.  Praise Him for giving us endurance to keep going when we don't think we can.  Praise Him for providing exactly what we need!  

And, yeah... even though I know I'm still a princess because my Daddy's the King of kings, after 13.1 miles, I definitely didn't smell like it any more.  ;-)

To God be the glory, now and forever!

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