Thursday, February 19, 2009


Yesterday was a horrible, terrible, no good, very bad day. I've been sick all week, and thanks to a fever didn't sleep well the night before last. I was not a happy camper when my alarm went off too early, and so the snooze button became my new best friend. Ten minutes before I had to leave, I forced myself out of bed and rushed to get ready. Groggy and grumpy, I headed to a primary school. My congested head, sore throat, frazzled mind, and poor attitude didn't allow me to be very helpful with the classes. Of course I felt guilty about this and beat myself up for not doing my job. After the classes dragged on for what seemed like an eternity, we had to walk home for some lunch. We got home only to discover that there was no food in the house, thus my lunch consisted of some nasty Horlicks nutrition drink. Nikki wasn't in the greatest mood either, complaining and throwing her toys out of the cart all day, only fueling my pessimism. Then we had to drag ourselves back to the school to teach more classes. But the "loveliness" of my day didn't start there. When I finally got home, I dropped on my bed planning to take a long nap awaking just in time for Laura to pick me up for small group. This dream was quickly dashed when Laura informed me that she was going to pick me up and hour and a half sooner that I expected. Thus, I left for her apartment still exhausted and grumpy. And apparently clumsy. Before small group, we made pizza for dinner. Laura asked me to help with a few simply tasks, which I seemed to mess up completely. I spilled pinapple juice all over the kitchen and myself, took forever and a day to cut up the mushrooms and the cheese, and couldn't even figure out how to use a simple can opener. At this point my pride was hurting more than a little bit (which in hindsight is ok), and I was glad that the whole cooking ordeal was over so that I couldn't make more of a fool of myself. Oh but I was wrong! Though the cooking was over, Laura asked me to help make frosting for cinnamin rolls. I simply had to place a cup of powdered sugar in a bowl. Did I end up messing even this simple task up? You'd better believe it! As I attempted to put the sugar back, I managed to knock the vanilla off the shelf, splattering glass and vanilla everywhere, including all over me. This was just the icing on the cake of my horrible day! After cleaning up yet another mess I'd made, I shuffled to the bathroom to attempt to save my shirt from the HUGE impending vanilla stain, mumbling and grumbling to myself all the way. As I stay scrubbing my shirt, I mulled over my rotten day and thought to myself, "yo! This has been one of the worst days of my life". And just as this thought crossed my mind, I caught my eye in the mirror and the Holy Spirit said to me, "my child, if this is one of the worst days of your life, you have a pretty wonderful life!"

Perspective by Kutless

It feels like your life's crashing down all around you
Let me ask if it's really so bad
Look at the world in it's suffering
Can you honestly tell me that know one else could understand
All of the hurting inside

Why can't you see that freedom is sometimes just simply another perspective away
Who could you be if your lens was changed for a moment,
Would you still be the same

A young child looks through a great stained glass window
Watching the people go by
Everyone seems to be wearing a red coat
His mother sees jackets in white
Now he can't understand why does she see it this way

Why can't you see that freedom is sometimes just simply another perspective away
Who could you be if your lens was changed for a moment,
Would you still be the same

Yesterday, you really couldn't see
By changing your angle a new world would be
Revealed to your once blinded eyes by moving a few degrees

Why can't you see that freedom is sometimes just simply another perspective away
Who could you be if your lens was changed for a moment,
Would you still be the same

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