Saturday, September 11, 2010

True to Your Heart

Once upon a time when I was in forth or fifth grade, I did a gymnastics routine to the song "True to Your Heart" from the Disney movie Mulan, which has little to do with what I'm about to share.

With the new responsibilites of being and RA, I've fallen into an old trap and found myself being tempted to fit the role that I think others what me to fulfill. Yet again, pride jumped in, and with it the insecurities of not measuring up. I struggled to try to mime each of the women in my section/my fellow RAs in hopes that I would gain some sort of approval.

By Wednesday night, I was sick of the charade. God had put me in this position for a reason; my pretending to be something that I'm not was impeding God's purpose. Thus, I threw off these shananigans and determined to be real. And here's the cool part: my women loved it! They laughed as I shared my awkwardness of freshman year, grinned as I shared with them the things that God has taught me throughout my college career, teared up a bit as I shared with them the potential that I already see in them, and gleemed with enthusiasm as we headed outside to toe paint. What a blessing!

God's being teaching me the importance of being true to myself. Moreso, it's been teaching me the importance of being true to who He's created me to be. He's giving me gifts and passions that His will might be done in my life. He hasn't created me that I would strive to gain the strengths of another, but that I would embrace His will for my life and the talents that He's given me to accomplish that will so I can bring glory to His name. I'm confident that God will use the personality, resources, skills, education, gifts, heart, and mind that He's given me to accomplish things greater than I can even imagine or dream of. And I can't wait!

Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ. Gal. 1:10


Caley said...

I love that you toe painted with your section. That is AWESOME! Way to go, Sharon! How could they not like you just being you?

Tori said...

i think you is the best you for sure. i wouldn't have you any other way! :)