Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Runner

So, this is somewhat of an abnormal post.  Typically my posts describe what God's been teaching me and where He's leading me.  This one simply depicts a new summer habit.

This summer I determined that I would turn myself into a runner.  Running something that I've tried to get into for the past year or so but kept getting pushed down the priority list.  I determined to change that during the past few months.

Despite running consistently, I struggled to see much progress in my runs.  I mean, I was running greater distances than I had in the past (before even running a mile was a stretch), but my time wasn't worth a second glance.  And I kept finishing my runs feeling sore, worn out, out of breath, basically feeling just as out of shape as the day I went for my first run.

That changed Monday.  =)  After a day of nannying in which I was turned into a human jungle gym, I had a pounding headache and overall just wasn't feeling the greatest.  I decided to go for a leisurely run anyway.  About 2/3 into my usual run, I decided to go a bit further and add an anticipated mile to my usual route; I was feeling really good (not even breathing heavy) and figured, why not.  I rounded the final corner home, for once not feeling like I was dying at the end of my run, and leisurely turned up the driveway and into the house.  That's when I discovered what I'd just done; I glanced at the clock and realized that I had just run 5 miles in 30 minutes.  Oh buddy!  I just ran a 6 minute mile, 5 of them in fact!  Yup, I was just a little excited.  Finally I'd felt like I'd a runner.  Not only had I made really good time, I had done so at what felt like a leisurely pace, a pace that left me feeling like I could go even further (which I probably will =)). Plus, I wasn't even trying to push myself, my goal was simply to run, even if it wasn't pretty; I let go of all expectations and (to steal Nike's catchphrase) just did it (yeah, there's probably a lesson there).  And it felt great!

I ran again this morning to see if this was just some sort of a fluke, and completed my run in 35 minutes (still pretty good =)).  Guess that means this kid's become a runner. =)

1 comment:

kd said...

oh no you've gotten sick with that bug too! ;)