Monday, July 16, 2012

Rusty prayers

This past weekend I had the privilege of spending some time with my niece and nephew at camp.  This is the same camp that I've grown up at and the same camp at which I've been involved in the preschool ministry for years.  Thus, between auntie times, I naturally wandered over to the preschool room to lend a hand to the teachers and love on my kiddos.

There's one little boy in the class whom I've come to know over the past few years.  Rusty is a boy who's full of energy and spunk.  This past year, Rust was also diagnosed with brain cancer and only given a small change to live; this news didn't really sink in until I saw Rusty at camp this week.

At first, I didn't even recognize him! His skin had become a sickly shade, he'd lost all of his hair from chemo, and he was covered with scabs and bruises from countless treatments.  Weakened by the cancer and its treatment, the boy who once raced around the room now struggled to slowly place one leg in front of the other.  there's one thing, though, that hadn't changed about Rusty.  despite everything, the kid didn't loose his spunk!  Nope, he was still the same playful, excited,energetic, joyful Rust that I'd known the previous two years.  The cancer hadn't stolen his joy!

Usually when I see kids in pain like this, my first response is heartache and anger at the injustice of one so young having to face such big struggles.  And while my heart goes out for Rusty, mostly what I feel is hope and anticipation; the kid who had a 5% chance of making it to this past Christmas was well enough to ask his parents to take him to camp to play between treatment.  Sure, he's fragile and we had to be extra cautious with hi, but his spirit is so full of life it's hard not to be hopeful!  Through Rusty, I was reminded that nothing is impossible with God, that God has conquered disease and death. And so I pray that by camp next year Rusty will be back to his old self, not just in spirit, but also in health.  I have no idea what God has planned for rusty or How He will use him, but I know that my God is the God of miracles.  And thus, I am hopeful!

Please join me in praying for Rusty.  Praise God that the cancer hasn't dampened his spirit!  Please pray for continued healing and joy for Rusty. For more information and other ways to get involved, check out

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