Thursday, August 19, 2010


Over the past few weeks, I've been reading about the exodus of the Israelites and their journey to the promised land. As they travel, I notice a theme of the people. They grumble. A lot. As I read through the end of Numbers today I noticed that, once again, the Israelites ask, "'Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the desert?'" (Numbers 21:5). As I read that verse, I literally stopped and said, "Really? Really? After all that God has provided for you, you still doubt that He can provide you with something as simple as bread and water?" This is the same God who had already given the people water from a rock, quail for meat, bread from the sky, and miraculously rescued them from slavery in Egypt. This is the same God who opened the Red Sea for the people to cross and empowered them to defeat armies 10 times the size of their own army. Did they really doubt that He was able to provide for them now? Did they really think that God would abandon them after showing them His faithfulness time and time again?

But quickly a powerful realization rose up in me. I do the same thing. Time and time again I doubt that God can take care of the little details of my life that seem of monumentous importance, time and time again I wonder if He even cares or why He's allowing me to go through certain circumstances. Despite the countless times that He's taken care of me and proven His faithfulness and goodness to me, I doubt. What a fool am I!

Trust and obey. All you ask, LORD, is that I trust and obey.

1 comment:

kd said...

good reminder. thank God for the Holy Spirit and his constant convictions.