Friday, September 7, 2012

Ode to 215

This past weekend we moved out of our apartment. As my roommate and I went about packing and cleaning into the wee hours of the night, nostalgia hit; as we lay on the floor of our now empty apartment for our final night there, the memories of all that's transpired over the past year flooded me.  As I drifted into exhaustion, my mind reflected on:

-My first day of seminary
-Singing Veggie Tales with my favorite Smell Smell
-Embracing the affectionate nickname of Smelly
-Running my first (and second and third) 5K
-Running my first half (and then some)
-Cheering on my brother in his first Ironman
-My nephew's birth
-Learning and embracing God's definition of beauty and identity
-Seeing God's perfect plan succeed again and again
-Learning to assert myself
-Leaving past bad habits for good
-Outrunning the Grinch
-Countless coffee dates with good conversation and great friends
- Shortie adventures
-The nanny effect
-My 1 year review at church
-Becoming a member of my church
-Getting involved in two incredible small groups
-Learning more about what godly relationships look like
-Saying goodbye to my grandma
-Camp sweet camp!
-Wrestling with what it truly means to be a disciple of Christ
-Watching once little ones that I love now become godly leaders
-Tank time!
-Flying with my mom for the first time
-Visit from my favorite Tennesseans
-Making a fireplace
-Getting to lead the kiddos at church
- Realizing I've been to Africa as many times as I've been to Chicago
-Witnessing restoration
-Striving for justice
-Prayer runs through the neighborhood
-Learning the power of prayer
-Lots of baking
-Ride for Refuge
-Birthday surprises
-Hair chopping
-Tree climbing
-Beach fun
-Laughing so hard we couldn't breath
-My first car accident
-Incredible growth
-New friends
-No fear
-Learning what faith really means
-Becoming confident in Christ
- The wisdom of children
-Laughing with friends until we couldn't breath
-God kicking butt in spiritual warfare
-A cry for our daughters
-Meeting a little Swedish princess
-Mattress races

God's blessed me in countless ways this past year.  Can't wait to see what He has in store next!

Where You lead, LORD, I will follow


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