Sunday, December 2, 2012


At church this morning (yes, I realize this is the 3rd post that starts like that; apparently it was a big day for this kid at church this morning =)), we read through a passage that is quite familiar to me; we read through Matthew 16, focusing in on the verses that describe Peter's declaration of Christ, being appointed a leader in the Church, and then, a change in events, being rebuked by Jesus.  And though this passage is familiar, God used it to speak new truth into my life (praise God that His Word is Living and active).

Peter wasn't rebuked because he had ill intentions; like a good companion, he wanted to protect his friend.  Peter was rebuked because he had in mind the things of men and not the things of God (Matthew 16:23).  Peter was trying to direct Jesus, trying to tell Him what to do.

Being a Christ follower means just that: to follow Christ.  And following indicates that one walks BEHIND Christ; one seeks Christ to guide and direct oneself.  One asks Christ to take the lead.

As we talked through this idea, I felt convicted.  How often do I pray for my will to be done rather than first seeking God's plan?  My intentions are good: for a person to be healed or provided for, a conflict to be resolved, a relationship to be restored.  Yet God's ways are higher than ours; sometimes He allows suffering for His greater purpose (further, He promises that following Him will include suffering and even death; see Matthew 16:24-27) . Sometimes our common sense solutions fall short of the grandness of His plan.

LORD, forgive me for seeking my own way.  Forgive me for leaning on my own understanding.  Forgive me for trying to lead or walk beside You.  Forgive me not taking my rightful place behind You.  Papa, please teach me to follow You.  Teach me to trust Your plan entirely.  Teach me to surrender all to You.  Where You lead, LORD, in matters great or small, where You lead, I will follow.

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