Sunday, December 2, 2012


I heard this song for the first time at church this morning, and it got me thinking.

God, what does it mean for You to reign?  Obviously You are God and are sovereign and powerful and in control of all things; You have the power and right to rule over all things.

Yet what does it look like to have a King whose subjects refuse to obey Him?  How does a King reign when His subjects do not do as He commands, when they don't follow His commands?

Because God, that's where I feel like we're at.  You are still on Your throne in Heaven, yet we sit here on Earth ignore Your direction.  We choose our own ways instead of Your way.

LORD, as I sing this song, I pray that its words would be fulfilled.  I pray that You would reign forever more.  More so, I pray that You would empower us let You reign in our lives; empower us to obey You, Papa.  Transform this world into a place where its subjects righteously seek Your word and long to obey You, a place where we joyfully submit to our King. Amen and amen!

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