Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Running redeemed

After a nasty illness keeping me sick for a few months and a crazy schedule keeping me from a favorite hobby, I've finally been able to get back into the running routine.  And God, in His goodness, continues to teach me through this silly little hobby.

As I ran yesterday, I realized that for most of my life I've been a runner.  I've run from fear and shame and consequences and mistakes and conflict and pain.  Yet in yesterday's run, I realized that God has redeemed my running.  I no longer run from these things.  Rather, I run to showcase the strength that God has given me.  I run to defy limits, to do that which I once deemed impossible.  I run as a movement of worship, hymns of praise leaving my mouth with each stride.  I run with the purpose of prayer, speaking to my Papa about the people and places that I pass, asking that His will would be done.

What a mighty God we serve, friends!  I pray that He would bring redemption into your lives as He has mine.  I pray that He will use every aspect of your life to bring glory, honor, and praise to Himself.  May He be glorified this day!

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